• Hook Your Audience and Keep Them

    The decline in our collective attention span has engaged researchers for years, and they are all mostly in agreement — we are losing our ability to focus. There are individual ways for us to reverse this trend – meditation, mindfulness, and limiting screen time are some examples – but when you are standing in front

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  • Refining the Call To Action

    A call to action (CTA) is an essential part of almost any presentation. It sounds simple enough – tell your audience what you want them to do. But moving people from absorbing information into taking action after they’ve left the meeting room requires more thought and insight than just telling. You have to persuade and

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  • Communication Cues from Cupid

    While all of ProComm’s programs are focused on communication skills for business, we are always touched and often surprised by the number of participants in our programs who comment on how much the skills they gained will help them in their personal lives as well. That makes perfect sense to us. While some skills are

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  • 3 Key Communications Resolutions for 2024

    If improving your communication skills is on your list of resolutions for 2024 (and there is always room for improvement!) we can help you get that resolution off to a great start. Here are three practices you can easily work into your daily routine that will change how people perceive you and improve results in

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  • 3 Tips to Improve Your Hybrid Presentations

    These days, many if not most of us connect with co-workers and customers in a “hybrid” work environment. This could mean anything from the occasional Zoom call or meeting to the hybrid high-wire act of presenting to a virtual and in-person audience at the same time. The latter has become much more common. Fortunately, the

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  • 5 Tips for Leadership Communication

    “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said” ~ Peter Drucker A great leader must be able to connect with people by communicating intangible qualities that words alone cannot convey. Leaders need to be able to influence the performance of others, to motivate and inspire them. This demands top-notch communication skills to

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  • Ditch the Distractions: Tips For The Next Great Conversation

    “The difference between face to face conversation and any other medium of communication is simple: No distractions are permitted.” – Alexandra Petri We’ve learned a lot about the importance of face-to-face communication in the last several years. Despite the adoption and acceptance of virtual platforms, most prefer in-person communication and missed the human contact that comes

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  • Tips for Stress-Free Public Speaking

    There’s a surprising number of people more afraid of public speaking than of dying. Some have turned down promotions when the new job required them to speak in front of an audience. For others, just thinking about giving a public presentation makes them feel physically ill. Good news – It is possible to overcome the

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